On Purpose

Something magical happens when you realize your purpose and start living intentionally into it.  

You stop caring as much what others say or think about you.  You stop worrying about their judgments.  Because you know what's most important--your purpose.  

I've always known that I was here to help others, to be of service in some way, but never had any career specifics.  This is why it may have looked like I was fumbling through life.  I have also always known that I have a gift, and a passion for, writing.

I thank God that I now know exactly what it is God would have me to do.  It was revealed 7 years ago, and one day I will have the strength to write about the circumstance surrounding that revelation--some of you already know.  

Anyway, my purpose, my calling in life is to write.  Write about my experiences and the experiences of others to empower Black women and also educate on sexual abuse and violence in the Black community.  Many of my writings will be hard for me--and you.  So, consider this my disclaimer.  If you don't feel comfortable, that's fine, I understand.  

My writing will not be for everyone, and I am finally okay with that.  It is my hope, however, that I will help someone relate, see, heal, understand, and/or challenge what they previously believed.

Thank you in advance for coming on this journey with me, I can't promise you won't be disappointed, but I can promise it won't be a waste of time.