An Idea
I believe I'm getting dumber. Seriously, I feel my IQ lowering. Intellect is a muscle that must be exercised, or else it will begin to atrophy.
My brain is atrophying like a mutha...
Because I'm not writing. The strongest writers are also voracious readers. I'm not doing either. I make excuses and say I don't have time, but I often find myself wasting hours and evenings on Facebook, BuzzFeed and watching television.
I am determined to change this. I have been given an assignment. I am to write at least one blog post a week, and to help improve my writing, I will read at least 2 books/month (baby steps, don't judge).
Now this is where things get fun. Who remembers Pizza Hut's Book-It program? Hands? Hands anyone? Well, for those who don't, Book-It was a program that Pizza Hut created to incentivize childhood literacy. I can't remember the exact details, but I believe that for every 4 books you read, you received a free personal pan pizza.
When I was a child, I was a voracious reader. A voracious reader who loved pizza. A voracious reader who loved pizza and didn't want to share with my brother (sorry Sean).
I wondered how a Book-It type program could be established for adults. Adults like me, who "don't have time" to read, but would love to create the time. Those of us who were once voracious readers (and even those who weren't), and long for the days where we'd spend hours reading at a time. Bringing us here...
In order to reestablish my reading habit, for every 2 books I read, I will treat myself--and you too. Instead of pizza, I was thinking wine? Or whatever your $30 limit heart desires. The catch? You have to go on this journey with me.
Deal? It's called accountability, my friend. Let's get it.
If you want me, you know how to find me.