The Confrontation


Dimly lit room.  Two chairs, but no other furniture.  The perfect place for a conversation.

Monica Kay Petty: (to Monica Kay Sharp) It's about time you showed up.

Monica Kay Sharp: (defensive posture) Wait, what?  It's about time that I showed up?

MKP: I've been waiting for you for (looks down at watch) almost four years.

MKS: Oh...I see.  You mean around the time you forgot about me?

MKP: I didn't forget.  I had to grow up.

MKS: Oh yeah, you forgot.  You forgot our plans.  You forgot our interests, our friends.  You forgot us.

MKP:  (smug) Well, that's what happens when you get married.

MKS:  Don't feed me that bullshit.  Remember when you told me know what...I'm not even going to bring that up, because I'm sure you can't forget.  No matter how hard you try.

MKP: I had to grow up.  What do you know about that?  You're stuck in 2013.  

MKS: (getting incensed) BECAUSE YOU SMOTHERED ME!  You didn't let me grow up...  

MKP:  (interrupting) I am you.  You as an adult!  You needed me!  

MKS:  Me?  As an adult?  Girl, bye!  You are who you thought your husband needed.  Don't put that on me.  I wanted to travel...see the world.  If you hadn't have forgotten about me, WE'D be well on our way to becoming Dr. Monica.  Or Monica...PhD.  We couldn't decide.  Whatever.  Point is, you are not me.  I am fearless.  I am adventurous.  I know who I am.  Not this domestic who is actually overcompensating in order to keep up cover her true feelings.

MKP: Now wait one got damn min...

MKS: No!  It's my turn now.  You had four years.  FOUR YEARS!  It's obvious you don't know what you're doing.   So what, now that you're 30, you finally came to your senses?  What did it take, huh?  The pregnancy "scare"?  Or was it just age that told you that you should wake up?  That wrinkle behind your eye got you, didn't it?  That's why you've been using that eye serum. (laughs)

MKP:  (scoffs) Fuck you.

MKS:  You can't take it?  When did you get so soft?  

MKP:  Maybe 2011's earthquake did it?  Or the hurricane?  (sarcastically) No...wait...wait, don't tell me!  It was when your heart was broken and you ran your ass back to the midwest.  

(MKS glares) 

Yeah, that was it.  Even after you escaped your dream...remember you had those ideas on the El of you finally living out your "Sex and the City" fantasies?  Remember Logan Square?  That cute little 2 bedroom you had with your LS?  Why again did you spend so many nights away from it?  You got back on track in 2012--gave everyone who knew you hope.  Hope that you'd actually make something of yourself.  Remember the trip to Dallas, and conversation with Patrice.  You should've listened.  But you didn't.  

You were always more spiritual than religious.  What happened to that?  You started attending church again, and forgot about your relationship with the one who truly matters.  I guess church was a crutch for you.  Practiced idolatry.  Put all your faith in man and not God.  

Don't blame me.  I wasn't created yet.

MKS:  You talk a good game, but why didn't you protect me?  Labor Day, you could've gone.  You chose your husband, convincing yourself that you were choosing your job.  When your professor, your favorite professor, your advisor, advised you against waiting to apply for doctoral studies, why did you wait?  Oh, and furthermore, why again did you not go to Egypt?  Again, you changed your name and forgot.  Who would've known that a simple visit to some government offices in Chicago would change your whole persona?  And what about that bogus move back home?  

Before we moved from carnivores to herbivores, you knew.  Don't we deserve happiness too?  

MKP: Watch it.  I did what was best.  I did what a woman would do.  I took my hits, licked my wounds and what happened?  Families grew closer.  I should at least get that credit.  We got back to your dream, didn't we?  You didn't do that.  I did.  I supported, encouraged, and did what I could to achieve what I truly thought was our happiness.

MKS: To which "our" would you be referring? 


MKS: Exactly. 

I just want to know why.  Maybe that would make things easier.  Maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't cry at night.  If I just knew why.  Why did you drop me?  I'm glad you're coming around but I still have questions.  

(More silence)

(After a long breath) 

MKP: I get your point.  I forgot about the "we" that mattered.  I'm sorry.    

I'm sorry.


To everyone who has been hurt.  I'm sorry.  I realize that it's too many of y'all to list.  I'm sorry.