Journey in Branding

Initially, I didn't want to establish a brand.  "I'm a writer!" I said.  "No one will take me seriously."  "Who am I supposed to be, an "influencer"?"  

Yeah, I was THAT girl.  The one who thought that having a social media "brand" was one step above being an IG model*.  I refused to believe that it could actually help me.

Standing in the shower this morning, I realized something.  I realized that I needed to do more branding.  If I plan to take myself seriously, I need the marketing.  

Then it hit me.  

I didn't take myself seriously...


I was afraid of branding because it requires a level of accountability.

A level I wasn't quite ready for.  On the Fourth, I was hanging out with one of my good friends and his friends at a gathering.  I didn't tell him, but I felt like a poseur.  Here I am, the higher ed professional, trying to hold conversation with those who hold conversations, be they verbal or written, for a living.  Still, I was inspired and impressed by this crowd.  "I'll never break in," I thought.  I wondered what they did that I didn't.

They committed.  I didn't.  Unlike the Honey Comb Moms, I treated my writing as a hobby, not a business.     

So here I am.  If you've noticed today, I created a new IG account: @monicakaysharp (that's easy enough, right?), and locked my personal account.  I'll still post my writing on my personal account, but I have a permanent home for them. will just be a fan.  

*Yes, I understand that not wanting to be an IG model is steeped in respectability and internalized misogyny--I never said I was perfect.  But I am working on it.